8 Steps To Happiness (Awakening The Inner Self In Pursuit Of Personal Change) By Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dee

8 Steps To Happiness (Awakening The Inner Self In Pursuit Of Personal Change) By Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dee

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0.56 LBS
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The Number Of Books:1

Size 6 x 9 / Pgs.80/ Paperback

Publisher: Dar as-Sunnah 

1 Review Show Reviews

  • 5
    Steps to Happiness

    Posted by Abd Hfyy on 28th Mar 2021

    With the plethora of "self-help" books these days claiming to have the keys to happiness from sources unfounded and authors unreliable with respect to the Muslims and their deen; This book serves as an antidote to the poisonous notion that one needs to search outside of their deen in quest of true happiness. On the contrary, as the Sheikh رحمه الله mentions as the first step in achieving this goal is to have belief(eemaan) in Allaah ta A'la. The steps he رحمه الله touches on are easy to understand, as well as highlighting their opposites to caution the reader from divergence. A MUST READ! I couldn't put it- down. May Allaah guide us all to success and happiness in this life and the next. Aameen!