Explanation Of The Poem: Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah And Islamic Moral Conduct By Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al-Abbaad

Explanation Of The Poem: Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah And Islamic Moral Conduct By Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al-Abbaad

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2.00 LBS
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The Number of Books:1

 Size 5.5 X 8.5 /  Pgs.268

Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications


"Explanation Of The Poem: Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah And Islamic Moral Conduct" is a book that explains and analyzes the poetry "Manhaj Al-Haqq." In a brief and poetic fashion, the poem digs into essential components of Islamic belief (Aqidah) and moral conduct. Shaykh Abdur-Rahmn ibn Abdullah ibn Nasir ibn Sad, a renowned scholar known for his skill in Islamic theology and ethics, wrote this enlightening book. The book's content is a line-by-line explanation of the poem, breaking down the complex principles of Aqidah and Islamic moral conduct into simple words. Readers can expect to develop a deeper grasp of core faith doctrines including Allah's oneness, Prophethood, the afterlife, and other foundational beliefs, as well as essential moral concepts that guide Muslims in their daily lives. Readers can have a better understanding of the relevance of Aqidah and how it forms the foundation of a Muslim's worldview and behaviors by reading Shaykh Abdur-Rahmn ibn Abdullah ibn Nasir ibn Sad's remarks. The book may also include practical advice on how to use these ideas in order to live a pure and virtuous life according to Islamic beliefs.