The Golden Series Of The Prophet's Companions by Darussalam

The Golden Series Of The Prophet's Companions by Darussalam

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The Number Of Books:18

1) Abu Bakr As-Siddiq(The First Caliph Of Islam)

2) Umar Bin Al-Khattab (The Second Caliph Of Islam)

3) Uthman Bin Affan (The Third Caliph Of Islam)

4) Ali Bin Abi Talib (The Fourth Caliph Of Islam)

5) Abdullah Bin Umar (The Jurist)

6) Abu Dhar Al-Gifari (Struggle For Equality)

7) Abu Ubaidah Bin Al-Jarrah (The Nation's Trustworthy Man)

8) Amr Bin Al-Aas (The Conqueror Of Egypt)

9) Az-Zubair Bin Al-Awwan (The Disciple)

10) Jabir Bin Abdullah (The Example Of Sacrifice)

11) Khabbab Bin Al-Aratt (The Teacher)

12) Khalid Bin Al-Waleed (The Sword Of Allah)

13) Sa'd Bin Abi Waqqas (The Lion In The Den)

14) Sa'd Bin Mu'adh (The True Supporter Of Islam)

15) Salman Al-Farisi (In Quest Of Truth)

16) Shuaib Ar-Roomi (The Example Of Sacrifice)

17) Talhah Bin 'Ubaidullah (The Living Martyr)

18) Bilal Bin Rabah (Mu'adhdhin-Call To Prayer)